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Kids' League Registration

Thank you for your interest in the Kids’ League! 


To start the registration process, click the “Start Here!” link below. Once you have filled out the inquiry form, someone from our team will contact you by email with the instructions on how to complete registration.

Already a Kids' League family?

If you have registered for one of our programs in the past and would like to re-register, please click the link below to log into your Child Pilot account. Once you log in, select the documents tab and fill out the either the School Year Registration Form 2025 for the occasional day or after school program or the summer program 2025 for the summer program. Once you fill out the needed forms and make a reservation, you will receive confirmation through email.

If you have not been contacted by our team in 48hrs or if you have any questions about registration, email us at Info@KidsLeagueWestford.Com

How to use Child Pilot

Having Trouble Registering? It's ok, we can help you



Contact us